Friday, September 3, 2010

Opening of the Research Commons at Rhodes Library

3rd September 2010
The Research Commons was officially opened today at the Rhodes University Library! The Vice- Chancellor Dr Saleem Badat cut the purple ribbon, and heralded a new era for the library in the promotion of research. A new season with Spring in the air, the start of the 4th term, and with doors opening to postgraduate students and staff at 8.30am on the 6th of September.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Academic Portfolios for Librarians

Looking Like Everyone Else: Academic Portfolios for Librarians
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 36, Issue 2, March 2010, Pages 166-172
Wyoma vanDuinkerken, Catherine Coker, Margaret Anderson


The academic librarian faces a unique range of changing duties and responsibilities that are often inappropriately documented. The development of an academic portfolio that creates a record of librarianship, scholarship, and service can solve this issue for librarians on the tenure-track or on a job hunt. This paper describes how academic librarians can develop a working academic portfolio for themselves.