Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Commerce chill area is a hot spot in winter!

A student taking advantage of the sunny spot -( thanks to Nabisa for taking the photo).
"It is a mistake to think of the library only as a place where services such as reference, instruction, and computer use are provided. The library is a campus space, one uniquely suited to meet important student needs for space as well as services and resources. Where will students do what they need to do? Where will they read? Plug in their laptops? Eat and drink? Talk with their classmates and friends—and not have to listen to other people talking? Have a place to concentrate in quiet? As Scott Bennett argues, effective library design takes account of a wide range of student needs, beyond particular service provisions."

Extract from:  The Library Is for Studying: Student Preferences for Study Space
Rachel Applegate 
Link to this article at:

1 comment:

Debbie Martindale said...

Nice to see the chill zone being used as how i would have used it as a student!