Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Faculty Perspectives on Information Literacy as a Student Learning Outcome

"...This study (in J of Academic Librarianship) aims to fill this gap by surveying and interviewing a nationwide sample of teaching faculty in six disciplines for their perspectives on the importance and relevance of information literacy competencies for their students...."

Given the emphasis which we wish to place on IL integration into the curriculum it would be useful if a similar study could happen at Rhodes. 

In the conclusion of the article the authors states: .... "the onus is still on the librarians to initiate and sustain discussions with faculty. The fact that interviewees strongly believe information literacy is important, but still have not found systematic ways to integrate it into their curriculum, suggests they might be open to suggestions and ideas from librarians in this area..." 

This has certainly been my experience at RUL and I am sure that the other Faculty team-members have similar stories.

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