Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Can we use Pinterest in the RU Library?

I signed up for Pinterest some time ago so this article caught my eye - it considers:
What are possible uses of Pinterest in instruction and information literacy?
How do we create social value within library information services?
Anyone else in the Library interested in investigating if we could use this???

Abstract: "... investigates social curating activities on the website Pinterest and relates them to the librarian's traditional role of curating information. Pinterest is a social curation site that combines features of gathering, creating, and sharing with the information management characteristics of successful data curation. Libraries have begun to think about pushing services into social networking sites and adding social networking features to their own services. This study evaluates the webpages of Association of Research Libraries member libraries for presence and use of Pinterest, and suggests ways research and academic libraries can use Pinterest to support their patrons." 

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