Thursday, January 5, 2012

Unpacking Assessment

Unpacking Assessment

"As an assessment librarian, I am always looking for different ways to think about assessment. Most librarians aren’t statisticians, and for some, even the word itself, assessment, is daunting in that its meaning is unclear. Additionally, it’s such a broad topic that many of us are interested in only specific angles: learning outcomes, collection assessment, return on investment, the Value of Academic Libraries, and so on." ...

E-Textbooks Saved Many Students Only $1

Despite the promise that digital textbooks can lead to huge cost savings for students, a new study at Daytona State College has found that many who tried e-textbooks saved only one dollar, compared with their counterparts who purchased traditional printed material.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Defining a librarian in the information age - can it be done?

Librarian in the information age is most like a ____________________________ because ____________________________.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Google

Google hasn't replaced libraries or many of the resources that we provide, but it has changed the way that our users think about us and interact with us, and the ways in which we now respond to our environment and the work that we do on a daily basis. But we're still here and the lights are still on. We just need to learn to stop worrying and let go, let Google.