Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Inevitability of Open Access

A disruptive industry?
 This analysis  (from the latest C&RL issue) suggests that Gold OA could account for 50 percent of the scholarly journal articles sometime between 2017 and 2021, and 90 percent of articles as soon as 2020 and more conservatively by 2025.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Library Distributes Peter Suber’s Open Access to New Faculty

Library Distributes Peter Suber’s Open Access to New Faculty

According to Peter Suber’s new book Open Access: “When a library must provide access for thousands of faculty and students working on tens of thousands of topics, and when the volume of new works grows explosively every year, price barriers become insurmountable.”

(one would have thought he would have published his book as an open access work!!!!  RUL has it on order)
Georgia State University librarians give copies of Peter Suber's book Open Access to new faculy.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Library subject guides: A case study of evidence-informed library development

Library subject guides: A case study of evidence-informed library development. 
Another topic which could be investigated at RUL?

Core reference competencies

Identifying Core Reference Competencies from an Employers’ Perspective: Implications for Instruction

"....reference in academic libraries today is not the same service it was even just a decade ago....What knowledge, skills, and competencies do current practitioners and hiring managers believe to be valuable for the provision of reference services now and into the future? What areas do managers find lacking or underdeveloped in their new hires? How well do current library science programs prepare students to meet employer expectations for reference positions?