Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Data sharing and its implications for academic libraries

 Jeonghyun Kim, (2013) "Data sharing and its implications for academic libraries", New Library World, Vol. 114 Iss: 11/12, pp.494 - 506
Purpose – As an important aspect of the scientific process, research data sharing is the practice of making data used for scholarly research publicly available for use by other researchers. This paper seeks to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the data-sharing challenges and opportunities posed by the data deluge in academics. An attempt is made to discuss implications for the changing role and functioning of academic libraries.
Design/methodology/approach – An extensive review of literature on current trends and the impact of data sharing is performed.
Findings – The context in which the increasing demands for data sharing have arisen is presented. Some of the practices, trends, and issues central to data sharing among academics are presented. Emerging implications for academic libraries that are expected to provide a data service are discussed.
Originality/value – An insightful review and synthesis of context, issues, and trends in data sharing will help academic libraries to plan and develop programs and policies for their data services.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Impact of use of academic online resource on research

Impact of the consumption of electronic contents on research productivity in the universities of Castile and Leon

The Big Deal model has brought a greater consumption of academic contents.
The availability of e-resources contributes to a growth in the academic output.
Usage and value-for-money data are essential for managing and taking decisions.