Friday, May 25, 2012

Adventures in Library Instruction ~ with Char Booth

Episode 36: Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning with Char Booth

Listen to the podcast (~62 minutes)

Join us for a fascinating, lively discussion as we talk with Char Booth about her book, Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators.  Discussion includes becoming a reflective teacher and master of instructional literacy, and how both the book's pedological frameworks and practical worksheets both help inform this process. And we also learn about Char's most embarrassing moment of teaching!

Char Booth is the Instruction Services Manager & E-Learning Librarian at Claremont Colleges Library. She blogs at info-mational,, and tweets at @charbooth.  Char recently won the 2012 ACRL Rockman Publication of the Year Award, and begins as an ACRL Immersion Faculty Member this year.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mendeley instruction session on YouTube

This is a recording of the Mendeley for Librarians instructional session

African Universities: Ready for the Cloud?

"African institutions could benefit rapidly—essentially leapfrogging to the cloud—given that they are relatively unconstrained by existing IT infrastructure. In addition, the fact that users can access the cloud directly from their own devices and modems frees up institutional electrical power and bandwidth..."

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Trends in US Academic Libraries 2012


2012 OCLC conducted a member survey
to understand librarians’ top
priorities, current key initiatives,
thoughts on service and top
methods for keeping current on
happenings in the library field.

Big on Ecollections, Ebooks, the Online Library

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Key Issues for e-Resource Collection Development: A Guide for Libraries

From IFLA: The purpose of this Guide is to help develop an awareness of the key issues that every library will need to consider and address in developing an e-portfolio. The Guide is not intended to be exhaustive, but is written to provide a reasonable and informed introduction to the wide range of issues presented by electronic resources.
A guide that addresses an evolving subject area, such as electronic resources, requires updates. Thus, updates to this Guide at appropriate intervals, as determined by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Section, will replace the previous edition on IFLANet. The current document is simply a snapshot of best practices at this point in time.

Future U: Library 3.0 has more resources, greater challenges

This article, retweeted by Fiona S-D, is worth reading