Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Open Access Button

Message from Nick Shockley (Director, Right to Research Coalition, Director of Programs and Engagement, SPARC)
See South African stats for Open Access Button on the screen shot below. 
(Please consider adding the OA Button to your task bar - click it whenever you cannot access the full-text of an article.)
 Hi all,

I’m excited to share that the Open Access Button, a student-led project to map collisions with paywalls and connect users with freely accessible copies of paywalled articles, is crowd funding its next stage of development. We have been involved with this project from the beginning and have been continually impressed with the utility of the tool the students have been able to create.  If you haven’t seen the Button already, I encourage you to check it out .

The students involved really want the Button to be a community owned resource and thought crowd funding the development of its next generation would be a great way of doing so while seeking additional sources of support for the project.  With the right support, I think the Button could become a useful piece of infrastructure for the Open Access community, and the project is a perfect example of the next generation leading the way on creating a more open system of scholarly communication.

The press release for the crowd funding campaign is copied below.  You can contribute directly through the campaign’s page on Indiegogo:  Finally, please share this announcement with any friends and colleagues who may be interested!