Saturday, November 10, 2012

Stop Being a People-Pleaser - Harvard Business Review

If you've always felt a compulsion to meet everyone else's needs before your own, it's hard to imagine being different. People-pleasing is not only what you do, but a strong part of who you believe you are. In some jobs,...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Now E-Textbooks Can Report Back on Students’ Reading Habits

some interesting discussion

E-Textbooks Can Report Back on Students’ Reading Habits

 Data mining is creeping into every aspect of student life—classrooms, advising, socializing. Now it’s hitting textbooks, too.
CourseSmart, which sells digital versions of textbooks by big publishers, announced on Wednesday a new tool to help professors and others measure students’ engagement with electronic course materials.
When students use print textbooks, professors can’t track their reading. But as learning shifts online, everything students do in digital spaces can be monitored, including the intimate details of their reading habits.

As Libraries Go Digital, Sharing of Data Is at Odds With Tradition of Privacy

Millions of people now share what they're reading through social-networking sites like Facebook, or smaller services including Goodreads and LibraryThing. They're accustomed to the personalized recommendations that Amazon provides by tracking customers' buying and browsing habits.  Libraries are following suit. They're beginning to share data to build tools for recommending and discovering books.