Thursday, July 31, 2008

Information about LibGuides

"LibGuides is a popular content management and knowledge sharing system for Libraries. Over 4,100 librarians at 250 libraries use LibGuides every day to share information and connect with patrons, wherever they are." []

At the staff meeting this morning we talked about LibGuides, to which the Library has just started subscribing.

The idea is for information services/faculty librarians/departmental librarians to develop subject guides to replace our present static Subject Gateways which are at:[].

The new LibGuides will be dynamic and interactive (e.g. users can make comments, contact their subject librarian, link to webpages/site/videos/feeds, etc.). We hope that this new service will prove useful in connecting users with information and information sources.

We are presently in the process of setting up the access to LibGuides (with the IT Divisoin). Once this happens LibGuides will be linked to the Library webpage and we can start develooping the Guides. This will obviously be a learning process as we become familiar with the functionality and possibilities. Please have a look at the examples of what other libraries are doing with LibGuides and give us your suggestions for RUL.

See a collection of examples and more information about LibGuides at:

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